Problems relating to Trade and Investment on United Arab Emirates

9. Restrictive export/import trade, duty, and customs clearance
Issue details
(1) Certificate of Origin Requirement - Since 1 January 2003, in order to protect and foster the domestic industries in the GCC Countries (the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries, comprising of 6-Countries, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia), they have begun requiring certificate of origin issued by the respective government. - It is requested that GOU repeals the requirement for certificate of origin or streamlines the procedures.
- Since 1 January 2003, the GCC has formally implemented the customs union. As part of responsibility under the GCC customs union, UAE applies non-special preferential tariff rules identical to the remaining 5 GCC member states on import from Third countries. The GCC origin is granted to products totally produced or manufactured in the GCC member states, in which the domestic added values exceed 40%.
(2) Complex Advance Registration System - Since 2010, GOU has introduced and formally implemented the system, requiring advance registration of medical equipment, etc. under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Health. This system is quite complex, defying comprehension. While registration deadline is repeatedly extended, its drastic solution is imperative. - It is requested that GOU:
-- reviews the system to make it clear and simple, and
-- coordinates with the international framework toward simplification of the system.