Problems relating to Trade and Investment on Russia

22. Environmental pollution and waste disposal
Issue details
(1) Marking Requirement on Unique Packaging Materials - GOR seems to require satisfaction also by electrical products of this marking regulation, which is primarily promulgated for packaging of food products, etc. The marking requirements are mainly on packaging materials for "papers", while the material marking on "plastics" is made into law by several countries.
However none of the countries require markings comprising of simply, "PAP for plastics", "20: corrugated carton", "22: paper", etc. so that member firm wonders if it should go into the expense and trouble of satisfying this marking regulation on Packaging only for Products destined only to the TCU 3-countries.

- In light of the global perspective, including Directive 2004/12/EC on packaging and packaging waste, it is requested that GOR ensures compatibility of its regulative requirements with the laws and regulations of other countries and regions. - Technical Regulations on Safety of Packaging, Decision No. 769, August 2011