Problems relating to Trade and Investment on Turkey

16. Employment
Issue details
(1) Lengthy and Complex Procedures for Visa Acquisition - The visa renewal for foreign expatriates including the Japanese nationals requires accompaniment of the family members of the expatriates for filing application, etc. It takes much work and time to complete the complex procedures. Moreover, the visa renewal is necessary in each year.
- Visa extension is only possible in the capital city. As it stands, it involves complex, lengthy procedures, needing the help of external personnel consultants for practical solution.
- It takes a long time with complex procedures for acquisition of residential certificate for expatriating family members, who face various problems including inability to exiting the country temporarily.
- It is requested that GOT streamlines and extends the validity of expatriates' visas.
- It is requested that GOT:
-- simplifies the procedures, and
-- issues the guideline that enables making realistic preparation.

- It is requested that GOT simplifies the procedures and cuts down the acquisition time, where proof of identity is available for being family members of an expatriate.
(2) Visa Acquisition Procedures For Despatched Engineers for Long Term Stay - Due to the differences of views on the mid-long term (90 days -) visa issue procedural question by and among ministries and agencies, it takes a long time to complete the despatch procedures.
In case of work permit, it takes a longer period (2-3) months, making difficult despatch of technical engineers.
- It is requested that GOT:
-- clearly defines the visa classes/conditions, and
-- facilitates visa acquisition procedures concerning despatch of engineers.
(3) Obligation to Employ Indigenous Personnel - Ministry of Labour and Social Security "Circular of 2 August 2010", requires: "Employment of 5-Turkish Workers for 1-Alien" as a condition for acquisition of Alien work permits. This requirement has neither been removed nor relaxed to this date. Unlike manufacturing operations requiring numerous workers, in the case of trade or service business, only a limited number of workers are necessary. These foreign firms face serious problems in increasing the number of expatriates from Japan.
- The failure to satisfy the 5 Turkish per 1 Alien worker rule results in non issuance of work visa to foreign employees.
-It is requested that GOT repeals or deregulate the requirements applicable to businesses in non- manufacturing sectors.
- It is requested that got either repeals or degurates the 5 Turkish per 1 Alien worker rule.
- Circular of 2 August 2010, The Ministry of Labour and Social Security