Problems relating to Trade and Investment on Netherlands

16. Employment
Issue details
(1) Amended Labour Law - Since July 2015, the dismissal terms have become more stringent on account of employers' economic reasons for longterm employees.
(fixed-term employment contract ; 3 times (number of times to sign the contract), 3 years (duration of the employment contract), 3 month (duration of the interruption) to 3.3.6)
Previously, at the outset, employers had the choice of venues between summary court and UMW route. However, since July, it has become necessary for employers to first obtain permission under the UWV route, to give a dismissal notice to employees.
-The onus upon employers gets heavier for dismissal of employees under Indefinite employment term from business reorganisation.
- Some kind of relaxation is necessary in the employment terms for planning employment of local workers.
- Article 7:669 Lid 1 Dutch Labour Law (enforced on 1 July 2015)