Problems relating to Trade and Investment on Italy

16. Employment
Issue details
(1) Acquisition of Visa, Stay Permit and Resident Registration - It takes much time for acquisition of family visas before departure, and after entering Italy, it takes just as much time and trouble for acquisition of resident registration at police office. - It is requested that expedites the both procedures. - Immigration Act
- Labour Act
- During the G-to-G consultation, GOJ requested GOI for improvements.
(2) Application of Irrational Immigration Law - Agreement for Integration of Immigrants and Indigenous Italians (ITSL) applies so that attainment of certain level of Italian Language proficiency is necessary for Intra-company transferees and their family members (over 16-years). Persons who have failed to attain the proficiency level (Common European Framework of Reference A2 Speaking) within 2 or 3-years will be expelled from Italy by law. The full 2-year period is yet to lapse as the law came into effect on 10 March 2012. The practical application remains unknown such as the method of testing the Italian proficiency level. In the case of an enterprise, it has not decided what to do with its staff and family members who have not yet attained the required language proficiency. - It is requested that GOI takes steps to exclude Intra-Company Transferees (Distaccato) and their family members (to whom the regular visa issuance cap does not apply) from application of the ITSL requirements. - DPR 179/2011 Accordo Di Integrazione Tra Lo Straniero E Lo Stato (Agreement for Integration of Immigrants And Indigenous Italians) (ITSL)
- Laws concerning Application of Intra-Company Transferee Visa outside the Limit: Italian D.Lgs. N. 286 of 25 July 1998, Article 27 Lett.a; T.U e art. 40 c.22 del Dpr 394/99, and DPR n.334 del 18.10.2004