Problems relating to Trade and Investment on EU

26. Others
Issue details
(1) Inadequate Infrastructure - While overhauls on Express Ways have made a fair progress, many public roads are of Single Lane Per Direction and in poor repair, even in urban areas. They are not only congested but are insecure from the safety point of view. - It is requested that EU overhauls the public roads.
(2) Establishment of Farming System to meet the (Pathogen Free) Sales Terms for Merchandise (Seeds) - Regarding sales of ornamental tomato seeds destined to Europe, by request of distributors' organisation, it has become necessary for member firm to supply GSPP seeds. GSPP seeds mean pathogen free seeds against specific pests that demand establishment of production method and the seeding soil that can meet these requirements. - Ample preparatory period is needed by member firm to establish production system, including without limitation, selection of appropriate seeding site, and establishment of production technology.