Problems relating to Trade and Investment on Italy

9. Restrictive export/import trade, duty, and customs clearance
Issue details
(1) Import Licence - Export licence is required in Japan under CITES to export to Italy Crocodile-Skin Watchband (CSW). In addition, importers must obtain import licence. It takes much time and work to export CSW to Italy. - It is requested that GOI:
-- repeals the requirement for import licence in Italy for import of CSW, and
-- dispenses with export/import licence requirement for samples under ATA carnet.
(2) Delayed Customs Clearance - An enterprise has experienced that Customs Clearance Procedures of high priced items (costing more than USD 10,000 per unit) for repair at a repair service company takes 2-3 days for acquisition of Import Licence, affecting the delivery date. Nevertheless, the customs clearance in the same circumstances goes smoothly in the rest of the EU Member States. It seems it is a problem unique to the Italian Customs. - It is requested that GOJ approaches the GOI to rectify the problems so that the Competent Authority promptly issues import licence requisite for import.