Problems relating to Trade and Investment on Mexico

23. Inefficient administrative procedures, regimes and practices
Issue details
(1) Restricted Qualification (Compulsion of Spanish Speaking Attorney with the Mexican Bachelor of Law Degree) - GOU restricts qualifications for attorneys (only Mexican Spanish bachelor) in the context of anti-dumping proceedings. The use of Spanish is compulsory.
-- In August 2013, Notice of Mexican Ministry of Economy reached a member firm, concerning initiation of anti-dumping investigation on steel wire ropes manufactured in PRC with the following problems:
-- The language used in the Notice was totally in Spanish, requiring translation into English. In the short deadline for response, precious time was lost in translation before starting the preparation. Furthermore, GOM specified use of Spanish speaking attorney with a Mexican Bachelor's degree in law. It was extremely burdensome to locate a suitable attorney in a short span of time, starting from the total scratch.
- While use of Spanish and attorney with a Mexican Bachelor's Degree of Law is mandatory under the applicable Mexican laws, it is requested that GOM gives consideration to the following requests:
-- English is used in communication, or else, biligual in Spanish and English.
-- Leaves selection of attorney (being protector of the respondent's interest) to the respondent's discretion (with a bachelor's degree in law of Mexico, or any other country including Japan), if that is not acceptable, provides ample time before the submission deadline.