Problems relating to Trade and Investment on Laos

23. Inefficient administrative procedures, regimes and practices
Issue details
(1) Nebulous Legislative Scheme/ Administrative Procedures - It takes much time for completing the VAT refund procedures: from VAT payment by end-users, restricted entry/exit of unloaded trucks, payment of temporary bond on imported raw materials for further processing of export products, etc..
Public - Private Joint Exchange of Dialogue Conference under the arrangement of Japan Embassy and Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Laos) was held to confirm open issues. (At the 8th Meeting in December 2015).
- It is requested that GOL takes step to get the legislation immediately:
-- translated into English and Japanese
-- centrally administered (to deal with too numerous legislations (prime minister's orders, ministerial orders, directorate general decrees, provincial orders, etc.)
(2) Insufficient Understanding of Laws and Regulations - The GOL legislative orders fail to reach the end organisation in every nook and corner of the entire motherland, so that there was no uniformity in understanding of the GOL legislation by the local officers, preventing smooth flow in the administrative procedures. - It is requested that GOL takes measures to get the legislation fully understood all through to the very end of the organisational structure.